Grace has gone down to nap and only for a half hour I'm sure, so we'll see how much gets accomplished here. We are at a tad over 5 months and she is growing and learning so fast. It seems she is starting to get a little personality and becoming more ticklish as well. How is it that something so cute become cuter and why does the house no longer smell of just dog but of baby pee? Even after cleaning. We had that caramel coffee that smelled of poo, so is there coffee which smells of pee somewhere? Did I misplace a diaper along the way?

Camping for the first time seemed easier than most had thought. I was looking forward to it since day one and I received so many bewildered looks when even speaking of the idea. Not bad at all... but then again... we have super baby. I was somewhat concerned of the smoke but it proved to not phase her; and mosquito's, not one in sight. I should try my hand at gabbling due to the simple fact that I struck gold with my awesome wife and again with a halfway decent puppy and yet again with Gracie. Huh? Maybe. Anyhoo, to watch Grace absorb the trees, the breeze, the leaves (I'll stop there cuz it's beginning to rhyme) is just hilarious. Left, right, left again, then up. She is all over just taking it in. Big eyes.
Watching her with toys is too funny. Staring then eating, at least attempting to. Scary when she gags. Whether it be her fist or her finger. Still hasn't figured that one out. And she got a little carried away with a teething toy earlier. Just scary. Hasn't figured out she can't eat the puppie's nose either. She almost got it a few times now. It seems that chewing on something tends to calm her but that may change when she does finally get a hold of Nyla's nose.
I have two weeks until I am to return to work and as I mentioned before (in so many words), I am kinda lost. This is by far the best job I have ever had... and quite possibly, ever will. Thankfully we will have a few days basking in the island sun as a family. Less Nyla of course. I am amped out to see how Grace will react to our upcoming Hawaiian vacation. How will she like the feel of sand in between her little toes and fingers? The sounds of waves splashing and birds calling? Sounds of palm fronds rustling? The warmth of the sun being cooled by an ocean breeze, with it's distinctive scent as it passes over her round nose? Waking to the sound of flying roosters? Damn those roosters. I hope the flights don't take a toll on her and pray her ears don't cause her pain. Just like camping, this too will be a learning experience. Well, it is that time as my little buddy is calling. Aloha!
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