Just over 4 months old.
Well, I am about fed up with Comcast's internet service as well as their customer service. Grr!Besides that, all is well and I am really beginning to worry about what's to come. Our little munchkin has taken my glasses off, pinched me repeatedly, and is grabbing things at random. Sure she doesn't know, but that's what worries me. What happens when she realizes how to throw things?
So, now that things are progressing as they should, I can't help but think of the stairs, knives, table corners, tools laying around (all Dani's of course), and the dreaded skull and cross bones under the sink. Baby proofing, less naps, and way more activity (from the baby that is). Too much to watch out for, yet I honestly cannot wait. A little person wobbling around on her own, speaking crazy talk more than she does already, eating rocks (trying), more and more giggles, ticklish toes, food... the real thing... or one step closer. As messy as it will be I am really looking forward to "helicopters" and "airplanes" and the swatting them away as they're landing. Too funny. At least the first few times.
Grace had her 4 month checkup a few days ago and we got the news we were so excited to hear. Onto cereal and then baby foods. Cool. Too bad the doc said I must wait a bit lonfer for my pilot's liscence. Upon Dani's arrival home from getting the cereal, I found that my lovely wife was way more excited about baby food than I was as she had grabbed two of everything. Two sweet potatoes, two beans, two of this and two of that. We can't even give her
that stuff for a month or so. Were the floods coming... Armageddon maybe? I thought she jumped the guns a little until the rains came for four days straight. Just nature tough.

The first feeding was very interesting. The look alone said a million. I don't believe that she was too impressed as the looks of wonder and confusion quickly turned to disgust and distaste. Then came the liquid vitamin. Woe! Not good at all. In goes the spoon at out comes the mixture. I'd say maybe 50% of what went in made it own the hatch. She took it well for the most part and actually began to figure it out the next time around.
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