With Christmas and New Years past us now I am guessing Grace's Christmas pics have already been seen by everybody, but if not here's another. The world's best model I say. Of course she moved around and it took awhile but man was it worth it. Christmas was a blast. I kinda figured she'd just sit there but she was very active and participated a bunch, even though the paper was the tastiest part of it all. I was asked more than once if she went to see Santa and quite frankly never even thought of doing that. Oh well! Next year.
That was about the just of it for over the holidays. Now she is becoming much much more mobile which is fun and spooooky! We were getting ready for mommy to come home so I laid her in the crib to work on crawling while I pulled out her PJ's only to hear her little musical over the crib mobile thingy begin playing out of no where. Upon turning around she was standing there watching me and spinning the little musical over the crib mobile thingy with a huge grin. My heart kinda jumped a little being a tad startled and surprised. So, now that the crib has been lowered to keep her from tossing a leg over and going for a midnight snack I thought that would slow things down some. Wrong, not only does she pull herself up more than I slap her mama's bootie, but Grace has now (as of today... er... last night even) begun to crawl. Ohh Noo! What do I do now. Crap! Gotta find a job : ) Baby proofing hasn't even started. Does this mean I can no longer keep knives laying around? No more chemicals strewn about with open lids? No more... well, you got it.
Now the fun begins. We just got this mini winter jacket/snow suit set plus a ton (or more) of snow. How's that saying go? When you get snow, make lemonade? Something like that. Anyhoo, Grace and I are gonna go outside and make lemonade one of these days... just you wait. I can hear all the women now, "cover her up!" Oh jeeze. Women! A little frost bite never killed anyone. Oh, or did it? Well, we'll see!
Before I call it a day (or a month) I thought I'd mention Grace's new way of falling asleep. Not much to mention really. Just take a peak.

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